Caught in Texas? How to Navigate Confusing DWI Laws Today.

Caught in Texas? How to Navigate Confusing DWI Laws Today.

In Texas, it is not legal to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.081% or higher. This offense is known as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). The BAC limit is even lower for minors, as Texas has a zero-tolerance protocol for drunk driving by those under the age of twenty-one.

It is important to note that a person can also be charged with a DWI if they are impaired by drugs or other illegal substances. This implicates that even if a person has not consumed alcohol, they can still be arrested and charged with a DWI if they are found to be impaired by a substance that affects their ability to drive.

In Texas, by driving on the state’s roads, a person automatically consents to a chemical test to determine their BAC. This is known as implied consent. If a person refuses to take a chemical test, their driver’s license will be automatically suspended for 180 days(

Contesting the Traffic Stop that Led to the DWI Charge

An experienced DWI attorney can challenge the legality of the traffic stop that led to the DWI charge. If the traffic stop was illegal, any evidence obtained during the stop, including BAC test results, may be suppressed.

The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution( protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. This includes traffic stops. If a police officer did not have probable cause to make the traffic stop, any evidence obtained during the stop may be excluded from trial.

Challenging the Field Sobriety Tests

Field sobriety tests, such as the walk-and-turn test and the one-leg stand test, are often used by police officers to determine if a person is intoxicated. However, these tests are not always reliable and may not accurately reflect a person’s level of intoxication.

Medical conditions or physical disabilities can also affect a person’s performance on field sobriety tests. Experienced DWI attorney can challenge the results of these tests and argue that they are not a reliable indicator of intoxication.

Questioning the Breathalyzer or Blood Test Results

Breathalyzer and blood test machines must be properly calibrated to ensure accurate results. If the machines were not calibrated correctly, the test results may be inadmissible in court.

The handling and testing of blood samples is also subject to strict rules and regulations. If the chain of custody of a blood sample is broken, the test results may be excluded from evidence.

Exploring Legal Defenses for DWI Charges

There are several legal defenses that can be used in a DWI case, such as necessity, duress, and mistake of fact. An experienced DWI attorney can evaluate the facts of a case and determine if any of these defenses apply.

Suppression of Evidence in DWI Cases

The exclusionary rule and the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine can be used to suppress evidence obtained in violation of a defendant’s constitutional rights. An experienced DWI attorney can file a motion to suppress evidence and argue that any evidence obtained in violation of a defendant’s rights should be excluded from trial.

The Importance of Hiring an Experienced DWI Attorney

An experienced DWI attorney can help contest charges, protect a defendant’s rights, and negotiate plea bargains. They can also provide valuable guidance and support throughout the court process.

Understanding the Texas DWI Court Process

The Texas DWI court process includes the arraignment, pretrial hearings(, and trial. An experienced DWI attorney can provide valuable guidance and support throughout each stage of the process.

Plea Bargaining and DWI Cases in Texas

Plea bargaining can result in reduced charges and penalties in a DWI case. An experienced DWI attorney can negotiate plea bargains on behalf of their client and help them achieve the best possible outcome.

The Role of a Jury Trial in Beating a DWI Charge

In a DWI case, the jury plays a crucial role in determining the outcome of the trial. An experienced DWI attorney can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the jury selection process and help ensure that the jury understands the burden of proof and the standard of reasonable doubt.

The Consequences of a DWI Conviction in Texas

A DWI conviction in Texas can result in criminal penalties, such as fines, jail time, and license suspension. It can also have collateral consequences, such as increased insurance rates and difficulty finding employment( A DWI conviction can also have long-term consequences, such as affecting future employment opportunities and immigration status.

Strategies for Avoiding a DWI Conviction in Texas

The best strategy for avoiding a DWI conviction in Texas is to not drink and drive. Designate a sober driver, use alternative transportation options, and know your limits when it comes to alcohol consumption.

If you are charged with a DWI, it is important to hire an experienced DWI attorney to help contest the charges and protect your rights.


What is the BAC limit for a DWI in Texas? The BAC limit for a DWI in Texas is 0.08%.

Can I be charged with a DWI if I am impaired by drugs or other substances? Yes, a person can be charged with a DWI if they are impaired by drugs or other substances.

What is implied consent in Texas? Implied consent in Texas means that by driving on the state’s roads, a person automatically consents to a chemical test to determine their BAC.

Can an experienced DWI attorney challenge the legality of a traffic stop? Yes, an experienced DWI attorney can challenge the legality of a traffic stop and argue that any evidence obtained during the stop should be excluded from trial.

What is the burden of proof in a DWI case? The burden of proof in a DWI case is reasonable doubt.

What are some alternative dispositions for DWI charges in Texas? Some alternative dispositions for DWI charges in Texas include diversion programs, community service(, and treatment programs.


Beating a DWI charge in Texas can be challenging, but it is not impossible. By understanding the Texas DWI laws, contesting the traffic stop, challenging the field sobriety tests and breathalyzer or blood test results, exploring legal defenses, and hiring an experienced DWI attorney, a defendant can increase their chances of a favorable outcome.

It is important to remember that the best strategy for avoiding a DWI conviction is to not drink and drive. Designate a sober driver, use alternative transportation options, and know your limits when it comes to alcohol consumption.